Results for gallery: Zoom(click on a photo to get larger photo and more details)
European Starlings zoomed in at  Bird Feeder in OntarioEuropean Starlings zoomed in at Bird Feeder in Ontario
Zoomed in close-up view of black European Starling at feed, eating Suet.

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Canada, Sturnidae, Sturnus, 2011, European Starling, Sturnus vulgaris, Ontario,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Birds, Zoom

Northern Cardinal at Bird FeederNorthern Cardinal at Bird Feeder
Female Northern Cardinal relaxing at a bird feeder. Also known as redbird or common cardinal.

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Canada, Simcoe County, Cardinalidae, Cardinalis, North America, 2011, Northern Cardinal,
In these galleries:Backyard, Birds, Zoom

Orange-Red Tulip Close-up in GardenOrange-Red Tulip Close-up in Garden
Close-up of orange-red tulip in Garden. Late may bloom.

Photo Attributes:Canada, Tulip, Tulipa, 2011, Ontario,
In these galleries:Backyard, Close-up, Flowers, Zoom

Red Tulip Close-up in GardenRed Tulip Close-up in Garden
Close-up of orange-red tulip in Garden. Late may bloom.

Photo Attributes:Canada, Tulip, Tulipa, 2011, Ontario,
In these galleries:Backyard, Close-up, Flowers, Zoom

Robin waiting to feed its young.Robin waiting to feed its young.
Photo of a robin with food in its beak, ready to feed it young in the nest. Waiting for the path to be clear to its nest.

Photo Attributes:Canada, Turdus, 2007, Turdus migratorius, North American Robin, Ontario,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Birds, Zoom
Photo Specific Links:Robin - coloring page of robin feeding babies

Song Sparrow at Bird FeederSong Sparrow at Bird Feeder
A small juvenile song sparrow, perched at the feeder.

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Canada, Simcoe County, Emberizidae, Melospiza, 2011, Song Sparrow, Melospiza melodia,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Birds, Zoom

White Crowned Sparrow - Close-upWhite Crowned Sparrow - Close-up
Zoom in of White Crowned Sparrow in back yard.

Photo Attributes:Canada, Emberizidae, Zonotrichia, 2012, Zonotrichia leucophrys, White-crowned Sparrow, Ontario,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Birds, Zoom

Zoomed into snow of Svinafellsjökull Glacier Icleand Zoomed into snow of Svinafellsjökull Glacier Icleand
Zoomed into snow of Svinafellsjökull Glacier Icleand.

Photo Attributes:Iceland, 2010, Vatnajökull National Park, Svinafellsjökull Glacier,
In these galleries:Glaciers, Mountains, Zoom

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