Crow Eating at Bird Feeder

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A crow attempting to eat sunflower seeds from a bird feeder.
A crow attempting to eat sunflower seeds from a bird feeder.

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The male American Goldfinch is olive in the winter.  Then changes to bright yellow in the spring and summer.
Male American Goldfinch - in summer plumage

The male American Goldfinch is olive in the winter. Then changes to bright yellow in the spring and summer.

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Canada, Fringillidae, Spinus, Passeriformes, 2010, Chordata, American Goldfinch, Spinus tristis, Ontario,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Birds

A female American Goldfinch, perched at feeder.
Female Amercian GoldFinch - Perched

A female American Goldfinch, perched at feeder.

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Canada, Fringillidae, Spinus, Passeriformes, 2010, Chordata, American Goldfinch, Spinus tristis, Ontario,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Birds

A black-capped chickadee perched on tree branch.  The chickadee allowed me to get within ten feet for this photo.
Perched Black-Capped Chickadee

A black-capped chickadee perched on tree branch. The chickadee allowed me to get within ten feet for this photo.

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Aves, Canada, Paridae, Poecile, Passeriformes, North America, 2014, Chordata, Black-capped Chickadee, Poecile atricapillus, Ontario,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Birds

Photo of a Mourning Dove.  Late November, in Barrie Ontario Canada
Mourning Dove - Backyard Winter

Photo of a Mourning Dove. Late November, in Barrie Ontario Canada

Photo Attributes:Canada, Zenaida, 2009, Zenaida macroura, Mourning Dove, Ontario,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Birds

Chickadee eating sunflower seeds in the middle of winter.
Chickadee Winter Feeding

Chickadee eating sunflower seeds in the middle of winter.

Photo Attributes:Canada, Paridae, Poecile, 2011, Black-capped Chickadee, Poecile atricapillus, Ontario,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Birds

Zoom in of White Crowned Sparrow in back yard.
White Crowned Sparrow - Close-up

Zoom in of White Crowned Sparrow in back yard.

Photo Attributes:Canada, Emberizidae, Zonotrichia, 2012, Zonotrichia leucophrys, White-crowned Sparrow, Ontario,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Birds, Zoom

A small juvenile song sparrow, perched at the feeder.
Song Sparrow at Bird Feeder

A small juvenile song sparrow, perched at the feeder.

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Canada, Simcoe County, Emberizidae, Melospiza, 2011, Song Sparrow, Melospiza melodia,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Birds, Zoom

A pair of mallards making their way.
Male and Female Mallard walking across on Lawn

A pair of mallards making their way.

Photo Attributes:Barrie, Canada, Simcoe County, Anatidae, Anas, Anas platyrhynchos, Mallard,
In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Birds, Ducks

Related Galleries

In these galleries:Animals, Backyard, Birds

Related Links

Photo Specific Links:Atlas of Breeding Birds of Ontario
This web site, which serves as a complement to the book, contains several items that you can access online, such as species distribution and effort maps, various interactive data summaries, options to download the raw data and more.

Crow (wikipedia)
Animals Gallery Links:Animal Pictures at National Goegraphic
Animal Planet
Birds Gallery Links:Atlas of Breeding Birds of Ontario
This web site, which serves as a complement to the book, contains several items that you can access online, such as species distribution and effort maps, various interactive data summaries, options to download the raw data and more.
Bird Feeder (wikipedia)
Useful site for identifying birds by various attributes.
Canada Links:Canada - Wikipedia
Government of Canada Site
Official web site for the Government of Canada.
Crow Links:Crow - wikipedia
from site: The true crows are large passerine birds that form the genus Corvus in the family Corvidae. Ranging in size from the relatively small pigeon-sized jackdaws (Eurasian and Daurian) to the Common Raven of the Holarctic region and Thick-billed Raven of the highlands of Ethiopia, the 40 or so members of this genus occur on all temperate continents (except South America) and several offshore and oceanic islands (including Hawaii).

Photo Data

DateTime:2011:01:11 21:01:59
Exposure Time:1/200
DateTimeDigitized :2010:08:21 08:08:15
DateTimeOriginal :2010:08:21 08:08:15
Lens :75-300mm F4.5-5.6
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