| Google Map Location | | Other Related Items: (click on a photo to get larger photo and more details) |
| Male American Goldfinch - in summer plumage The male American Goldfinch is olive in the winter. Then changes to bright yellow in the spring and summer.
Photo Attributes: | Barrie, Canada, Fringillidae, Spinus, Passeriformes, 2010, Chordata, American Goldfinch, Spinus tristis, Ontario, |
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| Female Amercian GoldFinch - Perched A female American Goldfinch, perched at feeder.
Photo Attributes: | Barrie, Canada, Fringillidae, Spinus, Passeriformes, 2010, Chordata, American Goldfinch, Spinus tristis, Ontario, |
| | American Goldfinch Finch at Bird Feeder Photo of an American Goldfinch at feeder in Ontario.
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| Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon in Iceland - Ring Road bridge Photo of a school bus crossing a bridge at the Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon in Iceland. In the distance is the Breiðamerkurjökull glacier branching from the larger Vatnajökull glacier. Vatnajökull also contains the volcano Grimsvotn. (Grímsvötn)
| | Icebergs in Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon in Iceland Photo of icebergs in the Jökulsárlón (Jokulsarlon) glacier lagoon. In the distance is the Breiðamerkurjökull glacier branching from the larger Vatnajökull glacier. Vatnajökull also contains the volcano Grimsvotn. (Grímsvötn)
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Related Links | | Animals Gallery Links: | Animal Pictures at National Goegraphic | | Animal Planet | | Animals.com | Birds Gallery Links: | Atlas of Breeding Birds of Ontario | | This web site, which serves as a complement to the book, contains several items that you can access online, such as species distribution and effort maps, various interactive data summaries, options to download the raw data and more.
| | | Bird Feeder (wikipedia) | | WhatBird.com | | Useful site for identifying birds by various attributes.
| | Lakes Gallery Links: | Lake - Wikipedia | | from site: A lake is a body of relatively still water of considerable size, localized in a basin, that is surrounded by land apart from a river, stream, or other form of moving water that serves to feed or drain the lake. Lakes are inland and not part of the ocean and therefore are distinct from lagoons, and are larger and deeper than ponds
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| 2010 Links: | The Year 2010 (wikipedia) | | The year 2010 at TimeAndDate.com | Iceland Links: | Gateway to Iceland | | Seems to be the official web site for the country of Iceland.
| | | Iceland travel guide | | Useful site to find more information about Iceland.
| | | Iceland Travel Information and Travel Guide - Lonely Planet | | Lonely Planet has offices in Melbourne, London and Oakland, with over 500 staff members and 300 authors.
| | | National Parks in Iceland | | Wikipedia links of National Parks in Iceland.
| | Plectrophenax Links: | Plectrophenax from Wikipedia | | from site: Plectrophenax is a small genus of passerine birds of the bunting family Emberizidae.
| | Snow Bunting Links: | Snow Bunting - wikipedia | | fro site: The Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis), sometimes colloquially called snowflake, is a passerine bird in the bunting family Emberizidae. It is an arctic specialist, with a circumpolar Arctic breeding range throughout the northern hemisphere. There are small isolated populations on a few high mountain tops south of the Arctic region, including the Cairngorms in central Scotland and the Saint Elias Mountains on the southern Alaska-Yukon border, and also Cape Breton Highlands
| | | Snow Bunting at AllAboutBirds.com | | from site: Appropriately named, the Snow Bunting is a bird of the high Arctic and snowy winter fields. Even on a warm day, the mostly white plumage of a bunting flock evokes the image of a snowstorm.
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Photo Data | | Make:SONY Model:DSLR-A300 DateTime:2010:06:21 15:06:10 Exposure Time:1/80 F:90/10 ISO:100 DateTimeDigitized :2010:06:21 15:06:10 DateTimeOriginal :2010:06:21 15:06:10 |