Results for the Photo Year of 2020(click on a photo to get larger photo and more details)
Barrie Centennial Beach Park Playground in 2020 - view to the north
Barrie Centennial Beach Park Playground in 2020 - view to the north

View of the playground Centennial Beach in Barrie. Looking in a northerly direction. This was taken in June 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic. The playground was roped off from visitors.

Photo Attributes:2020, Barrie, Canada, Centennial Beach, Lakeshore Drive, Ontario,

Barrie Centennial Beach view to the north (June 2020)
Barrie Centennial Beach view to the north (June 2020)

View of Centennial Beach in Barrie. Looking in a northerly direction, in June of 2020. This photo was taken during the Covid-19 pandemic, when the playground was forbidden from use.

Photo Attributes:2020, Barrie, Canada, Centennial Beach, Lakeshore Drive, Ontario,

Costco Barrie - People lined up durinbg COVID-19
Costco Barrie - People lined up durinbg COVID-19

Photo of people lining up outside the Barrie Ontario Costco, during COVID-19. Taken in early stages of COVID-19, in April 2020.

Photo Attributes:1993, 2020, Barrie, Canada, Costco - Barrie, Costco Wholesale Canada Ltd., Ontario, Simcoe County,

Hydroxychloroquine and Plaquenil Pills side-by-side
Hydroxychloroquine and Plaquenil Pills side-by-side

Photo of both the generic Mint-Hydroxychloroquine pill and the brand name Plaquenil pill side by side. Going to the details of the link will provide additional information about these pills and how they might be used to fight COVID-19.
The DIN numbers are 02424991 and 02017709 respectively.
These drugs are both Anti-inflammatory and Antimalarial. Hydroxychloroquine has largely replaced chloroquine, which is more toxic to the retina than hydroxychloroquine. The mechanisms of the two are presumed to be the same.

Photo Attributes:02017709, 02424991, 2020, Antimalarial Drug, Canada, Hydroxychloroquine, Mint Pharmaceuticals Inc., Mint-Hydroxychloroquine, Plaquenil, Sanofi,

Mint-Hydroxychloroquine Pill Bottle - 200mg
Mint-Hydroxychloroquine Pill Bottle - 200mg

Photo of the bottle for the generic Mint-Hydroxychloroquine pills. This is a generic form of Plaquenil.
Going to the details of the link will provide additional information about these pills and how they might be used to fight COVID-19.
The DIN number is 02424991.
These drugs are both Anti-inflammatory and Antimalarial.

Photo Attributes:02424991, 2020, Antimalarial Drug, Canada, Hydroxychloroquine, Mint Pharmaceuticals Inc., Mint-Hydroxychloroquine,

Plaquenel Pill Bottle - 200mg - Hydroxychloroquine
Plaquenel Pill Bottle - 200mg - Hydroxychloroquine

Photo of the bottle for 200mg Plaquenil pills. Plaquenil is the brand name for Hydroxychloroquine.
Going to the details of the link will provide additional information about these pills and how they might be used to fight COVID-19.
The DIN number is02017709.
These drugs are both Anti-inflammatory and Antimalarial.

Photo Attributes:02017709, 2020, Antimalarial Drug, Canada, Hydroxychloroquine, Plaquenil, Sanofi,

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